Monday, May 17, 2010

Buddhist Spiritual Leader Dalai Lama Visits Indiana, By Sharon Powell, 2010

Photograph by: Sharon Powell, 2010

Buddhist’s and spiritual followers gathered in Consecos Field House, Indianapolis, IN to hear the 14th Dalai Lama temporal leader share a message of compassion and commitment. Tenzin Gyatso, the Tibetan spiritual and political leader shared passions of humanistic quality practiced by the Buddhist faith in an effort society strive to make a difference in today’s troubled world. The Nobel Prize winner’s soft-spoken voice and gentle nature captured the emotional attitude shared by the audience. Messages for expressing love from the heart and spiritual commitment were discussed, vowing a pathway for leading a happy and healthy lifestyle could be found, generating harmony throughout the world.

His holiness stressed the emotional and physical value found with inner peace and happiness in life, claiming we are all connected one to the other and should work to improve others lives. The Dalai Lama expressed the value of facing challenges with wisdom and compassion while providing resources for achieving such trait.

Buddhist religion believes strongly in the humanistic and spiritual needs of the people. Buddhist followers stress that spiritual nutrition for the mind is a means for generating respect, compassion, and faith throughout the world. His holiness believes by avoiding the negative powers of greed, jealousy, and abuses of power humanity would find inner peace. Other topics stressed family life, suggesting families should come together in times of crises in an effort to guide today's youth into the future. The Dalai Lama stress humanity should avoid the destructive powers of anger and hate encompassing today's world and work toward removing barriers hindering emotional growth.

Buddhist religion was founded in India during 500 BC, and is largely practiced throughout much of China and East Asia. Buddhidst beliefs focus on wisdom and meditation benefiting the mind and body. Buddhist followers seek knowledge in an effort for avoiding anxiety and stress in today’s busy world. Statistics report there are between 230 to 500 million practicing Buddhist, making the religion the fourth largest spiritual denomination practiced today. Many Buddhists followers enjoy the meditative state and incorporate it into their lives, recommending the benefits of meditation are therapeutic means for reducing the crippling affects of stress involved with everyday life.

Buddhist also believe that “Karma” or “Mantra” “is the law of cause and effect” and the divine makeup of the universe. Karma derives from the body, speech, and mind of the person, springing from mental intent. The nature of mantra knowledge gave way to spiritual interpretations and translations of the human will or desire, and noted as being a form of action.

Universities located in Indiana house cultural centers and programs sponsoring educational instruction focusing on the inner faith initiatives of Buddhism. For more information regarding the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Centers, go to or


3.) Dalai Lama, Conseco Field House, Indianapolis, IN, May 14, 2010, Sharon Powell

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