Sunday, July 25, 2010

Germany Today, by Sharon Powell

Cologne Cathedral and Hohenzollern Bridge, Cologne, Germany

Germany Today
By Sharon Powell, 2010

1990 was a year of new beginnings for members of German society. East and West Germany were once again reunited after more than 45 years, but not without feeling the pressures of unemployment, poor economy, and corrupt business ethics. It seemed that social practices were largely outdated and inefficient for Germany to compete within International markets. After the reunification of East and West Germany during the 90’s, social issues began to escalate out of control as neo-Nazis hate groups, and attacks on foreign workers were common occurrences.
Although Germany has overcome a series of political difficulties since the days of Hitler, the collapse of the Soviet Union had its impact on the world. United States Military forces stationed in Germany since World War 11 began withdraw efforts in 2004 with hope of boosting a staggering economy for ethnic groups and the 81 million people residing in Germany today.

German Philosophy
The country is largely a conservative based philosophy and directed toward growth of small business and industry. Automobile manufacturers, pharmaceutical, petroleum, clothing, communication technology and consumer good manufactures make up the largest part of Germany’s workforce. Today, Germany remains a leader in European cultures where trade markets and policies promote a freer distribution of capital, labor, and goods among European nations. Significant expansions of Europe’s economic community brought about additional changes during the 90’s, including the establishment of groups such as the European Union, whose primary focus strives to improve business and work ethics abroad. Today more than a dozen countries have joined the European Union in an effort to promote good faith between the people of Germany and the world. Respecting tradition, history, and cultural practices has always been an important part of life for members of German society, and the union allows Europeans to compete peacefully with other super powers from around the world.

Political System
Despite the threat of corrupt government officials, Germany continues to focus their concerns on both the political and social concerns of its people. Germany supports an economy free of state intervention and domination, including the right to protect competitive environments from monopolistic tendencies. In addition to supporting its workers and those struggling through the competitive demands of the economy, Germany’s social forms of politics quite often contribute to wealthy members of society. Most people believe the political system directs the economy and claim the “right to privacy” verses state intervention and control.
The political and legal systems of Germany represent a second democratic system. The “Basic Law” is the constitution of a United Germany, and was established after the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990. “Basic Law” provides freedom and stability while defining the principles of a democratic and social federal state while binding them to uphold the judicial systems of the country. The Supreme Court who protects the constitutional rights of society is also bound by the initiatives established within the foundations of “Basic Law.”
Other systems of political operation are referred to as the “Electoral Systems” allowing the opportunity for several political parties to promote initiatives before voting is complete. In comparison to the United States, whose focus remains strictly on a democratic or republican Party, Germany allows the opportunity for several parties to express their beliefs for governing. Most people agree, those wishing to promote their ideas should be given that right. Germany’s political systems are complex, but provide both a federal structure and state representation to maintain the welfare and desires of its people.

Arts & Media
Germany has supported the arts for many years throughout their cultural history while providing various forms of news and entertainment for its people. German newspapers and radio promote an attitude for “independence of the press, and freedom from censorship.” These rights are guaranteed within the structure of “Basic Law.” And unlike years past, where communist regimes controlled the media, Germany now offers more than 36 newspapers providing media awareness to 10 million or more subscribers. Germany supports three public broadcasting corporations, and eleven public television and radio stations employing more than 23,000 people.

Modern life in Germany today is similar to American cultural practices, and are captured within photo galleries depicting German lifestyles. Youths of German society experience an abundance of education and summer programs allowing students time for sports, cultural and social activities. The more popular forms of music tend to express the contemporary social and cultural perspectives experienced in Germany today. Listeners enjoy a wide range of styles including hip-hop, pop, rock and rap which makeup the genres of radio broad-casts. A more refined style of classical music is also noted, as artists combine the beauty of stringed instruments, brass and percussion to compliment the diverse backgrounds of artistic expression.



Saturday, July 24, 2010

Agriculture's Big Business, by Sharon Powell

The growth of today’s agricultural markets and years of research have helped farmers overcome the burdens of climate change, irrgational needs and harvesting tools. These resources are all a part of how growth has affected society, creating what is now a billion dollar agricultural industry.

Farming began thousands of years ago, and has changed considerably over time. Early settlers noticed that certain grasses grew and produced edible seeds. When planted, the seeds would later produce many different kinds of crops benefiting the townspeople. Farmers also noticed how livestock grazed the hills and valleys, consuming much of the vegetation and plant life. Daily lifestyles and the discovery of nutritional resources were rarely kept a secret among early farmers. Hundreds of years ago, farmers would have never considered planting a crop without the use of soil. Today though, some modern farms create artificial climates using greenhouses, tunnels, and hydroponics by which plants are grown without soil. Their roots stand in a liquid solution that contains the nutrients they need to grow. The benefits found within these advanced growing techniques have helped to offset financial losses for the more moderate of crop producers affected by climate conditions, erosion, and drought concerns.

Other Agricultural Products
It is not a surprise that every living thing needs nutrition, including seeds, animals, and humans. Researched technology has made it possible to assure that feed for livestock is made available, while assuring members of societies nutritional needs are being met. Advanced research technology has also provided biodegradable products made from crops such as corn, rice, soybeans,
cotton, wheat grains, peanuts, and barley. These commodities help to produce Pharmaceuticals for health industries, Bio-fuels, Cooking Oils, Insecticides, Batteries, Alcohol, and Industrial and Chemical Solvents. Perhaps the lawn bag you sent to the refuse was made from one of the products listed above, or maybe the cleaner used to remove the tough stain from fabric was made from agricultural products. Most importantly, the shoes, or clothes you might be wearing today would not have been made possible without the production of cotton and other agriculture products produced by skilled technicians and manufacturing industry.

Government Subsidies
Many farms in operation today depend heavily on the help of government subsidies, and date as far back as 1862 when the Morrill Act established land grant colleges for farming communities. The Morrill Act sparked the establishment of other significant acts which are still in operation today and support various farming programs such as research, education and pest infestation, price supports and production control, in addition to crop insurance.

Subsidies are a very important part of farming, and help relieve the high cost of farm equipment used throughout much of the United States. The price of one combine or tractor can cost as much as a new three bedroom home built today. These facts make it difficult for some farmers to thrive. Subsidies are government supplied financial supports meeting a variety of functions such as direct payments to farmers for disaster aid, loans, insurance, and export advertising. Ninety percent of all subsidies are forwarded to famers with at least five-crop production yields including wheat, corn, soy-beans, rice, and cotton. It is estimated that nearly one-million farmers and landowners receive some type of government subsidies reaching figures of 15 to 35 billion dollars annually. Some farmers complain government interventions force price control and create monopolists who increasingly dominate the food system.

The great depression is a prime example of how important farming needs are to society, and was partly responsible for the actions taken by congress in 1932. In order to assure food supplies were readily available, and the nutritional needs of society were being met, Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted what he called the New Deal. In response to measures established within the existing Farm Bill, Roosevelt’s New Deal responded to Rock bottom crop prices due to overproduction, widespread hunger and social inequalities, soil erosion and drought, water and electricity, in addition to unfair export policies.

Giving Thanks
Cooperation from farmers taking the necessary steps to reduce social stressor's have remained a part of farming for many years; some laws are ratified from year to year in order to assure the needs of a changing society are being met, and public revolts are not an issue.

After reading some of the details of farming, you might just consider agriculture is an excellent career choice and one you might want to attend at college. The next time you are driving across America enjoying a family vacation and happen to spot a farmer, you might recall this story and how very important farming is to a community. You might even want to thank them for all their hard work and dedication for supporting the cries of hunger…...S. Powell, 2010

3.) Agricultural Subsidies; Greenhaven Press, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, MI.
4.) Halley, Ned B; Farm, Eyewitness Books, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London
7.) The Self Reliant Homestead; Charles A. Sanders; Burford Books, 2003.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nancy Grace, Angels and Demons among Us, by Sharon Powell, 2010

American legal commentator and CNN’s Television Host, Nancy Grace has much to be praised for in her quest as a victim’s rights advocate. The emotional impact instilled within her audience attempts to reveal the shocking truths involving serious crime. Grace’s TV series seems to “dissect” the unknown realities involving crimes of kidnapping, murder and rape of defenseless women and children. Coupled with Grace’s intellectual style and “no nonsense attitude” she has knowingly placed herself at risk for criticism from audience members and colleagues alike. Some people believe her “biased opinions and lack of compassion for the accused” quite often ignore the defendant’s right to reasonable doubt standard, while influencing the final outcome of jury trials within the Justice System.

Although some people find her “aggressive behavior and power plays” for fighting crime “cruel and unforgiving,” Grace has much to be praised for and may understand the realities involving “crime and punishment” better than most, which is why her convictions into fighting for victims rights are high priorities for her.

Grace’s legal career began at the age of 19, shortly after the death of her fiancé, Keith Griffin in 1979. She received her professional law degree from the Walter F. George School of Law, and went on to complete her Masters in criminal law from the University of New York. As clerk for a federal court judge, Grace practiced “anti-trust and consumer protection laws” before accepting a position in Atlanta, Ga. as a Special Prosecutor for Fulton County’s District Attorney’s office. Besides writing articles for the American Bar Association, she has also taught litigation at the Georgia State University College of Law, while associating herself with Mercer University’s Board of Trustee’s and Georgia State University School of Business Law.

Grace’s legal career has provided her with lasting memories into the world of crime, while igniting her "sense of humor and disdain often expressed within her southern bell attitude." She has been quoted for referring to defense lawyers as "pigs" while comparing them to "Nazi concentration camp guards." Besides being an attorney, Grace has also written three books, of which her latest entitled, Objection, released in November of 2009 reveals her beliefs concerning how high priced Defense Attorney’s, Celebrity Defendants and 24/7 Media coverage have hijacked today’s criminal justice system.

It should not go without mention that Grace’s legal career and aggressive style may someday become an awakening, and lesson of poetic justice. Media awareness and colleagues alike may find it within their right to someday discretely crucify her loved ones for one reason or another. Perhaps a professional reminder is due and the hard hitting attorney may wish to focus her efforts on showing a little more compassion for the accused while remembering “her victims” are someone’s baby too………….S. Powell, 2010

1.) CNN Live with Nancy Grace

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

TRU TV. Operation Repo, No Joke, Pay that Note, By Sharon Powell

National Television has taken on a new twist by introducing true to life situations, and criminal activity found within America. It makes no difference if you are rich, poor or just plain ignorant; you are still no match for the heavy hitting crime scene busters depicted on TRU TV. “Operation Repo” celebrates its third season on national TV and has repossessed thousands of vehicles since premiering in 2008.

Ministers, Doctors, Lawyers, housewives and gangbangers have all made the list for having delinquent account statuses and have been caught on camera showing off more than their inability to pay. Lou, Sonia, and Lynda Pizarro team up with Matt Burch and Froylan Tercero in one of the hottest series appearing on TV today. The show takes a look at the fast paced world of repossession. More often than not, the team finds themselves engaged in life threatening situations in order to repossess property of delinquent accounts for financial lenders across the state of California. The “Operation Repo Team” are trained professionals and will stop at nothing to get the job done. Boats, cars, planes, sports cars and trucks make up the teams genre.

Delinquent loan accounts and bankruptcy have escalated out of proportions within the last decade due to the high rate of unemployment and social trends impacting America’s financial stability. Besides having to contend with lenders harassing phone calls and correspondence reminders, your credit rating is taking a serious “nose dive” into financial ruin, and more than likely creating additional hardships for you when trying to borrow money from financial institutions.

Contemporary society depends heavily upon credit lenders, and without having established some type of history, a person may find it virtually impossible to obtain a mortgage or home loan, or perhaps a car or recreational vehicle without having a prior credit history. So what does all this “reality stuff” mean to you and me? If you are unable to pay the monthly premium using the funds made within one week’s salary, then more than likely you are exceeding your monthly budgeted amounts while risking your financial future.

Tru TV is a subsidiary of Turner Broadcasting Network, debuting in 1991. Since that time, the producers have added several reality programs including Las Vegas Jailhouse, All Worked Up, It Only Hurts when I laugh, Most Daring, Bait Car, and Forensic Science. Viewers tuning into the show can preview real life stories while educating themselves on the realities involving social issues and documented crime cases within America……...S. Powell, 2010